10 Tips for Pitching Your Music to Publishers

One of the areas where songwriters make the most blunders is pitching songs (performing songs for publishers, performers, or record label people in the hopes of getting them to record or helping you have a song recorded). These blunders can be costly. You don't get many chances to make a good first impression before being labeled a "burned bridge."
Here are some crucial TIPS to keep in mind when pitching songs.
1. "In the ballpark" is insufficient.
You want to pitch songs like a rifle rather than a shotgun. It's not merely a case of throwing stuff out and seeing what sticks. You want to provide them with exactly what they require (or think they need).
2. Make sure your song is up to snuff.
If your music sounds like it was written by a novice, it will be discarded, and they will remember your name with a crimson "A" next to it. When it comes to song pitches, you're up against the big guns. You should not have pitched your music if it does not hold up against everything that is being pitched to it.
3. Pitch 1-2 songs at a time unless someone specifically requests more.
Again, consider a rifle rather than a shotgun. Choose your two finest images for that artist and pitch them. They might run for more if they enjoy what you send.
4. Make your presentation look professional.
Don't use a sharpie to write the labels on the CD. Make your pitch as good as the publishers who are pitching you.
5. When pitching songs, start small.
If you've never had a cut on a prominent artist before, your odds are extremely limited. With newer, less established musicians, your chances are significantly greater. Thousands of tracks are presented to major artists for each album. Newer artists are bombarded with hundreds of pitches. Which of the two piles would you choose to be in?
6. Never send CDs or pitch URLs to people who haven't asked for them.
Before sending anything, be sure you have authorization. Even though practically everyone knows who I am, I do it. It's the most courteous and effective approach to conducting business. Request permission to transmit 1-2 songs via phone or email. The majority of individuals will allow you to do so. It goes a long way to do things correctly. SongTown Edge Groups, a monthly online songwriter meeting hosted by renowned industry publishers, are also available. It's a fantastic method to meet publishers, have your songs heard, and get past the rejection barrier.
7. Don't burn a CD with more than 20 tracks.
That is likely to be discarded. Number 10 will do the same. Almost probably number five."I have no idea what I'm accomplishing and no idea what you want and need, so I'm just delivering all I have," a CD full of music says. Distributing links to your most current batch of tunes by email is the same. Don't be one of the people (or girl.)
8. Don't brag or mention anyone's name.
The individuals to whom you're pitching songs aren't interested in whom you know or what names you can throw around. Don't discuss with whom you collaborate or who has listened to your music. The quality of your writing has nothing to do with the opinions of others. Allow your music to speak for itself rather than trying to flaunt your way to the top. If you do, you'll be reinstated in the "amateur club." Also, never mention anything along the lines of "My tunes are better than those on the radio."EVER.
That has been said ten thousand times by professionals in the industry, and it has never been true. That is something that people who write better songs than the ones on the radio do not say. So, if you catch yourself saying those words, stop them in their tracks. This will not assist you in obtaining a publishing contract.
9. Never vent your frustrations or whinge to the folks you're pitching to.
You'll be immediately shown the door if you complain about how difficult the business is, how no one will listen to your songs, and other "woe is me" sentiments. People prefer to work with people that are industrious and optimistic. Those folks don't gripe or complain. They're too preoccupied with their jobs.
10. If a song isn't outstanding, don't pitch it.
Just don't do it. It will hurt you far more than it will benefit you if you pitch songs that aren't great.
While recording in a studio can drastically improve the sound of your music, keep the aforementioned criteria in mind when selecting your perfect music producers. ZOOM Recording Studio is one such professional recording studio that houses a wide range of instruments as well as all of the latest technological tools.